What makes a good ham blog?

There are about a bajillion ham blogs floating around the internet. What makes the good ones stand out? Here are the three main things I look for:

(1) Good writing. Who knew that some hams are actually very good writers? I’m consistently checking my very favorite ham blogs because I really look forward to reading what they have to say. The text is well written, well thought through and sometimes thought provoking. Some ham bloggers writing makes you feel like your right in the ham shack with them or maybe looking over their shoulder at the workbench while they are involved with a project. Their words paint the scene so vividly, you can smell the solder smoke.

(2) Original thoughts on a variety of topics. More than just a list of the latest DX contacts, score in the a recent contest, or what the local club is doing – the great blogs cover a spectrum of topics. Well written product reviews, stories about 1st HF contacts, learning CW and sticking with it, having an Elmer that changed your life, or a neat trick that is easy for all to duplicate and will save time and/or prevent frustration. DXpeditions are enjoyable to read about, even if it is just to the local park. The antenna that works that shouldn’t have. Painful lessons learned again and again. But always fresh and never repetitive.

(3) Good pictures/graphics. Not only are their ham bloggers out there that can write, they also have a wonderful ability to create sharp and engaging graphics for the internet. Sometimes humorous, sometimes technical, or just an image that helps further expound on the blog entry, good pictures and graphics can make a difference.

I’ll add a fourth – it doesn’t have to be all ham all the time. Many excellent amateur radio blogs include items from everyday life that let you know the blogger is not completely addicted to the hobby.

Big thanks to all you ham bloggers – I enjoy and appreciate your work!

gerryk – Bringing tech to the West


Nice new blog… and I really enjoyed this post:

First proper HF QSO
July 21st, 2007

Now I have a proper dipole up, albeit not all that high, at about 15ft, signals are coming in very strong on all HF bands. Now that could mean a great antenna and matcher on my part, or, is more likely, a mediocre antenna system but huge signals from stations with massive beams and amps in the 100w plus range.

Going on what I was hearing today, though, it seems to be a combination of the two. I heard plenty of 100 watt, G5RV at 60ft people, as you might expect, but also a few putting small powers out, like one gent putting 30w into a random wire who was chatting to another putting 5w into a resonant dipole. Both were 5/6 to 5/8 which boosted my confidence no end, given that my max output with the FT817 is 5w. I listened around the 40m band and, ok, it wasn’t completely crowded, but there was plenty going on all the same. I listened into a few chats and whenever I heard one wrapping up, got ready to pick up the open station after the other went QRT.

Time after time, I waited for a QRZ or CQ and went straight back with my call, but when I unkeyed, generally heard a booming 5/9+ signal, or, more commonly, a few, coming back to the calling station, drowning my little signal completely. Frustrating, you might think, but, to be honest, I enjoyed tuning up and down the band, listening not just to people ragchewing or notching up QSOs, but the atmosphere too. The weather has been almost tropical of late, by which I mean tropical rain rather than tropical sun, and that sort of weather means thunder. Not thunder I could hear with my ears, unless you consider the added hearing aid of about 66ft of wire hanging about 15ft in the air. With that to pick up the discharges, the thunder sounded like feet crunching in gravel, in amongst the ever present hiss.

I didn’t spend a couple of hours throwing rocks into the branches of trees just to listen to clouds blowing off steam, though, I did it to talk to people far away with a tiny amount of power, and in among the big guns it just wasn’t happening. I tried tuning down to the 80m band, but apart from some very weak signals, it was dead as a morgue. I tried 20m. Not anywhere like 40m, but a few here and there. I tried catching loose stations at the end of a QSO, but again and again was rendered inaudible by what one QRP op called a pocketbook op. Those with deep pockets rarely have problems being heard, but, a well placed whisper can be like a shout, so I stick to my rather small guns on the power output. I tried 15m, and it’s pretty silent too, until, up at 21.190MHz I hear a clear voice calling CQ 15! He repeated his call a number of times while I frantically rematched the dipole with the Emtech ZM-2. Finally got a nice low SWR, switched back to USB and heard him still calling CQ. I keyed up, and as slowly and clearly as possible gave my callsign. “QRZ? QRZ, that station.” he said, and I was in. I repeated my call, almost shouting it into the mike. “Echo India 8 Delta Foxtrot Bravo?” he replied. I reread my call, “Echo India 8 Delta RADIO Bravo, Echo India 8 Delta ROMEO Bravo” and this time he got it. “EI8DRB from Charlie 3 3 Portugal Panama” he returned, mixing up the phonetics as hams often do. He gave his QTH as Andorra and his name as Pedro. Andorra! That’s nearly a thousand miles away! On 2.5w and a dipole 15ft off the ground, surrounded by trees, that’s not a bad achievement.

He gave me a report of 3/5 and I gave his as 5/5, we bade each other good DX and 73 and went about our business. He also said I could QSL via QRZ.com, and within the next few days, Pedro in Andorra will be getting a postcard from Galway confirming our brief QSO. I don’t think he fully realises the significance of this to me. To him, I was just another weak station for him to log, for me, it is the beginning of an adventure.

Riding the shortwaves

I’ve enjoyed a little of my down time by tuning around with my Grundig YP300E. While not a feature rich radio, I’m surprised at how well it does. Two nights ago I enjoyed listening to a news program on Iranian radio. Reception was pretty solid and the propaganda reminded me of when I used to listen to Radio Moscow as a kid. Last night I tuned in to Radio Sweden for their half hour English language broadcast. I also briefly heard the Voice of Turkey, but was unable to get strong reception. It seems like I can always find the BBC.

The radio I’m looking at to give me the ability to receive LSB/USB as well as CW is the Elecraft KX1. What intrigues me most is it’s compact size. The radio has received excellent reviews on eHam.net. The radio’s small size will also allow me to take it on the road when I travel to Europe early next year.

An interesting website I stumbled across: ham-shack.com. It’s one stop shopping for a variety of information on amateur radio. I’m now reading the section
on the history of amateur radio called The Way Back Machine by Bill Continelli, W2XOY. Well written – great stuff.

Stranger in a strange land

I’ve been offline for quite a while. My work has taken me to a different part of the world which is not permitting me easy access to amateur radio. While I try to figure out a better solution to my current situation, I picked up a Grundig YB300PE. It is a very basic shortwave radio with only AM capability. I set up the supplied external antenna and have had some success listening to the major shortwave broadcasters. I found a great site for schedule information; the NASWA WWW Shortwave Listening Guide. The interface is easy to use but the latest date of the database says June 2006. That might be an issue. I also ordered one of my favorite annual publications: Passport to World Band Radio

My next goal will be to get a radio that gives me LSB/USB/CW receive capability. I want to be able to develop my CW listening skills using live QSOs.

I’ve not had the ability to do casual internet web surfing for the past few months, so I am catching up with my favorite amateur radio web sites.

Long Delayed Echoes – Jeff Davis, KE9V, consistently has insightful, original, and well written posts. The true highlight are his podcasts.

KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog – Dan Romanchik, KB6NU, is the advocate for amateur radio. Heavily involved in his local club, Dan also fires up his HF rig on a daily basis and enjoying CW ragchews.

Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, has a regular column that appears on arrl.org called Surfin’. He highlights interesting amateur radio related websites and ties them to his own experiences.

Gary Hoffman, KB0H, has an arrl.org column called The Amateur Amateur. Always humorous but always on point with good advise and hard lessons learned (and sometimes relearned).

B. Scott Andersen, NE1RD, has an excellent site called the 100 Pound DXpedition. In his own words: The “100 pound DXpedition” describes my quest to do these DXpeditions with a minimum of equipment and maximum fun. Scott’s posts are wonderfully detailed and I learn something every time I visit his site.

Thank you to the above individuals and everybody else out there who is posting their thoughts, experiences, and amateur radio musings… it is allowing me to keep my amateur radio interest going even though I can’t get in front of a rig.

A Few Interesting Ham Radio Blogs

From The KØNR Weblog
One of the recent trends on the Internet is the use of Weblogs (commonly called “blogs”). Some of these are on-line journals; some are related to a particular topic or point of view. I’ve spent some time searching for ham radio related blogs and have come across these:

* KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog http://kb6nu.com/
* Long Delayed Echoes (KE9V) http://ke9v.net/
* Hamblog (a shared blog with multiple contributors) http://www.hamblog.com/
* The Future of Radio (ham radio index) http://futureofradio.typepad.com/the_future_of_radio/ham_radio/index.html
* Amateur Radio and Scanner Blog http://wa3fkg.blogspot.com/
* Shedberg (Scott Hedberg KD7PJQ) http://www.livejournal.com/users/shedberg/
* W2LJ’s Blog – QRP and Amateur Radio http://w2lj.blogspot.com/
* K7VO Ham Radio Blog http://k7vo.blogspot.com/

Let me know what you find out there in the blog-o-sphere.

Bob K0NR

Electrical engineer, ham radio enthusiast (KØNR), VHF Columnist for QRP Quarterly and FM Columnist for CQ VHF Magazine

My favorite amateur radio blogs are:
* KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog http://kb6nu.com/

… from his website
Who the Heck is KB6NU?

I got an e-mail from a guy who noted that he couldn’t find my name anywhere on this website. I looked and he’s right. So, here’s a little bit about me. I’m going to figure out a way for a link to this post to appear on one of the nav bars so that readers can find it more easily….

My name is Dan Romanchik, and I’m just a guy who’s having fun with ham radio.

I’m 50 years old, and have been a ham for 34 years, although for most of those years, I wasn’t very active. I have been very active since the summer of 2002, after I got the bug again after working some CW at our club’s Field Day. Since then, I have:

* made more than 4,000 contacts, mostly on CW,
* increased my code speed to almost 30 wpm,
* built a bunch of kits and other stuff (including an Elecraft KX1 handheld HF transceiver),
* worked a bunch of contests and have even garnered a few certificates from doing so,
* taught a General Class license course the past two years,
* become president of ARROW, a club that serves ham in and around Ann Arbor, MI, and
* been appointed Affiliated Club Coordinator for the Michigan section.

I’m no “super ham.” I don’t have a 120-ft. tower with a three-element 40m beam on it. I don’t own a $10,000 transceiver, and I haven’t yet been on a DXpedition. I am having a lot of fun, though.

…. my other favorite amateur radio blog is:

* Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, and his StanZapples web site (http://homepage.mac.com/stanzapple/Menu1.html).

Stan has been a regular contributor to QST magazine and also put out a pretty good book on APRS. I enjoy reading his Friday column on the ARRL web site: Surfin’.