From The KØNR Weblog
One of the recent trends on the Internet is the use of Weblogs (commonly called “blogs”). Some of these are on-line journals; some are related to a particular topic or point of view. I’ve spent some time searching for ham radio related blogs and have come across these:
* KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog
* Long Delayed Echoes (KE9V)
* Hamblog (a shared blog with multiple contributors)
* The Future of Radio (ham radio index)
* Amateur Radio and Scanner Blog
* Shedberg (Scott Hedberg KD7PJQ)
* W2LJ’s Blog – QRP and Amateur Radio
* K7VO Ham Radio Blog
Let me know what you find out there in the blog-o-sphere.
Bob K0NR

Electrical engineer, ham radio enthusiast (KØNR), VHF Columnist for QRP Quarterly and FM Columnist for CQ VHF Magazine
My favorite amateur radio blogs are:
* KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog
… from his website
Who the Heck is KB6NU?
I got an e-mail from a guy who noted that he couldn’t find my name anywhere on this website. I looked and he’s right. So, here’s a little bit about me. I’m going to figure out a way for a link to this post to appear on one of the nav bars so that readers can find it more easily….
My name is Dan Romanchik, and I’m just a guy who’s having fun with ham radio.
I’m 50 years old, and have been a ham for 34 years, although for most of those years, I wasn’t very active. I have been very active since the summer of 2002, after I got the bug again after working some CW at our club’s Field Day. Since then, I have:
* made more than 4,000 contacts, mostly on CW,
* increased my code speed to almost 30 wpm,
* built a bunch of kits and other stuff (including an Elecraft KX1 handheld HF transceiver),
* worked a bunch of contests and have even garnered a few certificates from doing so,
* taught a General Class license course the past two years,
* become president of ARROW, a club that serves ham in and around Ann Arbor, MI, and
* been appointed Affiliated Club Coordinator for the Michigan section.
I’m no “super ham.” I don’t have a 120-ft. tower with a three-element 40m beam on it. I don’t own a $10,000 transceiver, and I haven’t yet been on a DXpedition. I am having a lot of fun, though.
…. my other favorite amateur radio blog is:
* Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, and his StanZapples web site (
Stan has been a regular contributor to QST magazine and also put out a pretty good book on APRS. I enjoy reading his Friday column on the ARRL web site: Surfin’.