Update on the v5.0.1 update kerfuffle

Amateur Radio – a hobby where people talk about their hobby using their hobby.
Once again I am plagued by a failure to document problems I encountered and figured out.
Devoted a good portion of yesterday to getting weewx back into operation after a version upgrade took it down.
Part of that involved me figuring out (again) how to get the weewx extension working that creates the wxnow.txt file that Xastir uses to create and send APRS weather data.
Here’s an example of what Xastir was sending out:
The error is “h05” as humidity is not 5%. The problem is that Xastir wants a two digit humidity data value and wxcn is sending a three digit value.
In examining the old copy of wxcn.py I see the comments I placed in the file:
# fields.append(“h%03d” % int(data[‘outHumidity’]))
# changing value “h%03d” to “h%02d”
… and the line now appears as:
fields.append(“h%02d” % int(data[‘outHumidity’]))
I updated these comments in the new version of this file as it appears in /home/weewx/bin/user/cwxn.py
With the correction, here is what Xastir is now beaconing:
Now the humidity is given as “h59” instead of “h05”.
I am pretty sure that this concludes all the tweaks and fixes I had to make to get weewx working with Xastir to work properly. Time will tell.
A break down of the Xastir/APRS weather data string:
@071426z – “07” is the calendar day, “1426z” is the time
3913.63N/09454.49W – location
166 – wind direction
007 – wind speed
g011 – gust, peak winds in last five minutes
t051 – temperature
r000 – rain within last 60 minutes
P000 – rain within last 24 hours since midnight
p000 – rain per last 24 hours (sliding 24 hour window)
h59 – humidity
b10172 – barometric pressure
I started to prepare for the 0700 Kansas 80m weather net (3920 KHz, 1300-1330Z) this morning and discovered that weewx had stopped pulling in weather data after an update the previous evening.
When weewx upgraded to v5.0.1 and the bottom fell out. Checking the weewx users group, many were having the same problem.
The consensus was to go back to v4.10.2 – if that was reinstalled, everything would work as normal. Not the case for me.
Here is what did work:
sudo apt remove weewx
I then created a folder under /home called weewx. I then moved weewx-4.10.0.tar.gz into the weewx folder. And installed it, knowing I had already met the prerequisites.
sudo python3 ./setup.py build
sudo python3 ./setup.py install
The next direction given is: wee_extension –install weewx-cwxn.zip
… the problem is that linux does not know where to look for wee_extension
What worked… I found advice that said: try specifying the full path to wee_extension
sudo /home/weewx/bin/wee_extension –install weewx.cwxn.zip
filename = /var/tmp/wxnow.txt
… there is also an addition made in the section above that I could identify by comparing old and new weewx.conf files.
Just in case, the commands for completely removing weewx:
sudo apt purge weewx
sudo rm -r /var/www/html/weewx
sudo rm -r /var/lib/weewx
sudo rm -r /etc/weewx
sudo rm /etc/default/weewx
sudo userdel weewx
sudo gpasswd -d $USER weewx
sudo groupdel weewx
This link includes an example of installing an extension. This may be useful and worth a look.
Rebooting and seeing if everything will work:
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
– this should show weewx sending wx data to Wunderground
cd /usr/local/share/xastir/scripts then sudo ./wxnowsrv.pl /var/tmp/wxnow.txt 60 5500
checked wxnow.txt and it is being updated
xastir &
From Xastir’s menu: View/Incoming Data
Interface/Interface Control
With both started, incoming data should be coming across the Display Packet Data window.
From Xastir’s menu: Interface/Transmit Now! : check aprs.fi if a valid and accurate packet has been sent.
Check back with aprs.fi in 15 minutes to see if another packet has been sent.
Check Weather Underground to see if data is up to date.
Was having difficulty printing to my stalwart HP LaserJet P2055dn on my Mac mini (macOS 14.1.1).
Printing from a PDF file using either Adobe Acrobat or the preview application would bring the first page but them spooling would stop at ~9%.
When I double checked the drivers selected for the printer, they seemed to be generic. Troubling, as this printer has always worked near flawlessly with my linux installations on other platforms. My old Mac Book also worked ok as long as I printed directly from the file.
I found that I needed to install HP 5.1.1 Printer Software Update. https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1888
With this update the Mac mini immediately identified the printer and installed the appropriate drivers. Printing works, but spooling seems a bit slower than normal.
I am a fan of the LaserJet P2055dn. I have been using the printer for about 15 years and it has served my as both an elementary classroom teacher as well as through three graduate degrees worth of readings. The printer does not chug toner and the duplex function helps me save paper. Accepting a network connection, I can print from anywhere in the house. Always impressed by the early HP LaserJet printers, this one does not disappoint.