100 Nations Award

I read about this in an issue of World Radio from Jan 1999. I don’t know if they still offering this award, but it seems pretty cool.

100 Nations Award

In an effort to encourage personal communications among peoples around the world via Amateur Radio, Worldradio offers the Worked 100 Nations Award to those confirming two-way amateur communications with permanent stations in 100 distinct countries having a permanent, native population. The purpose of the Worldradio Worked 100 Nations Award is to demonstrate the unique opportunity Amateur Radio offers for communications between international borders to further worldwide understanding.

The W-100-N is not a radio sport award as such, but a token of achievement in communication. At the same time, it offers all Amateur Radio enthusiasts several features not found in other awards.
1. W-100-N virtually eliminates the need to work geographic areas heard only during DXpeditions. Almost all national entities have amateur stations consistently on the air.
2. W-100-N, then, will be of perennial interest. The advantage to those stations having worked a national entity long absent from the air will be minimal.
3. W-100-N is difficult to achieve, yet is within reach of all moderately well-equipped stations whose operators utilize good communication skills.

1. The Worked 100 Nations Award is available to any licensed Amateur Radio operator who can prove confirmation of two-way communications with government-authorized Amateur Radio stations in at least 100 different nations of the world.
2. No contacts with stations using reciprocal calls will count toward this award, such as N6JM/UL7.
3. All contacts must be with landbased stations. Contacts with ships, at anchor or otherwise, and aircraft cannot be considered.
4. All contacts shall be made from the same country.
5. Only contacts made on or after 01 January 1978 will count.
6. The application shall include the following:
a. Letter requesting W-100-N.
b. List of contacts in alphabetical order by prefix showing nation, station call, date, band and mode.
c. A signed statement by two other licensed radio amateurs, General class or above that they have inspected the required QSL cards.
d. A fee of $5 to cover the cost of the award.
7. All applications and requests shall be addressed to:
W-100-N Award Manager
2120 28th Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
8. There are no special endorsements to this award; however, endorsements may be made if the achievement bears such recognition. All modes and bands may be used. Upon approval of an application for W-100-N, a certificate will be issued and the issuance of the award will be noted in a future issue of Worldradio.