2006 ARRL November Sweepstakes Rules

1. Object: For stations in the United States and Canada (including territories and possessions) to exchange QSO information with as many other US and Canadian stations as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.

2. Date and Contest Period:
2.1. CW: First full weekend in November (November 4-6, 2006).
2.2. Phone: Third full weekend in November (November 18-20, 2006).
2.3. Contest Period: Begins 2100 UTC Saturday, ends 0300 UTC Monday.
2.4. Operate no more than 24 of the 30 hours.
2.4.1. Off periods may not be less than 30 minutes in length.
2.4.2. Times off and on must be clearly noted in paper logs. Do not indicate off times in electronic log files. The log checking software calculates it.
2.4.3. Listening time counts as operating time.

3. Entry Categories:
3.1. Single Operator:
3.1.1. QRP.
3.1.2. Low Power.
3.1.3. High Power.
3.1.4. Unlimited—Packet assisted (no differentiated power levels)
3.2. Multioperator
3.2.1. Multi-Single only Only 1 transmitted signal is permitted at any time. No limitation on the number of band changes. Spotting assistance is permissible.
3.3. School Club
3.3.1. There are three divisions to this category. College and University Technical School Secondary and other School
3.3.2. School clubs compete as their own category.
3.3.3. Only currently enrolled regular students and faculty/staff of the institution are eligible to operate a school club entry. Alumni may “Elmer” but may not operate the station during the competition.
3.3.4. There is no distinction between Single and Multi operator stations or power levels in this category.
3.3.5. School clubs must operate from established stations located on the campus. No portable operation from a near-by contest station is allowed. A club may operate from a member’s station only if no on-campus station exists.
3.3.6. Certificates will be awarded to the top scoring entry in each division of this category in each ARRL/RAC section and division.

4. Exchange: The required exchange consists of:
4.1. A consecutive serial number;
4.2. Precedence;
4.2.1. “Q” for Single Op QRP (5 Watts output or less);
4.2.2. “A” for Single Op Low Power (up to 150 W output);
4.2.3. “B” for Single Op High Power (greater than 150 W output);
4.2.4. “U” for Single Op Unlimited;
4.2.5. “M” for Multi-Op;
4.2.6. “S” for School Club;
4.3. Your Callsign;
4.4. Check (the last two digits of the year you were first licensed);
4.5. ARRL/RAC Section
(Example: NU1AW would respond to W1AW’s call by sending: W1AW 123 B NU1AW 71 CT, which indicates QSO number 123, B for Single Op High Power, NU1AW, first licensed in 1971, and in the Connecticut section.)

5. Scoring:
5.1. QSO points: Count two points for each complete two-way QSO.
5.2. Multiplier: Each ARRL Section and RAC Section plus the Canadian NT (Northern Territories – encompassing VE8 / VY1 / VY0) with a maximum number of 80.
5.2.1. KP3 and KP4 are in the Puerto Rico Section.
5.2.2. KV4/KP2 and KG4 stations are in the Virgin Islands Section.
5.2.3. KH6 and other US possessions in the Pacific count as the Pacific Section.
5.3. Final score: Multiply QSO points (two per QSO) by the number of ARRL/RAC sections (plus NT VE8/VY1/VY0).

6. Miscellaneous:
6.1. Work each station only once, regardless of the frequency band.
6.2. Only one transmitted signal at any time is permitted.

7. Awards:
7.1. Certificates will be awarded to the top operator CW and Phone scores in each category (“A”, “B”, “Q”, “U”, “S” and “M”) in each ARRL/RAC section and division.
7.2. All Overall and Divisional winners will be awarded a plaque recognizing their efforts. Plaques are either sponsored by groups of clubs or by the principal awards sponsor, Icom.

8. Submission:
8.1. Deadline for submission of CW entries is Wednesday December 6, 2006 Deadline for submission of Phone entries is Wednesday December 20, 2006. Entries emailed or postmarked after the deadline may be designated checklogs.
8.1.1. The CW and Phone mode are considered separate contests and must be submitted in separate envelopes or emails sent to the appropriate address.
8.1.2. Entries must be made on current ARRL entry forms or on a reasonable facsimile. Current forms may be downloaded in .pdf or ASCII format from www.arrl.org/contests/forms
8.2. Email entries for CW must be sent to SSCW@arrl.org and Phone to SSPhone@arrl.org
8.3. Cabrillo formatted logs can be submitted by logging onto the web application at www.b4h.net/cabforms and completing the required information.
8.4. Any entry that has been created using a computer for logging must be submitted in the Cabrillo log file format.
8.4.1. Files from word processing, spreadsheet programs or “bin” type logging program files are not valid or usable.
8.4.2. Any electronic file that is not submitted in required format will not be eligible for competition and awards.
8.4.3. A paper printout for a log that has been generated by a computer in lieu of the actual data file in the required format is not an acceptable substitute.
8.4.4. Paper logs that are entered into a logging program or computer after the contest are considered electronic logs and must include the required electronic file in the submission.
8.5. Hand written paper logs are acceptable entries. Any hand written paper log of 500 or more QSOs must include the required dupe sheet.
8.6. Logs sent via the regular mail service should be addressed to: November SS CW or November SS Phone, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.

9. Other information.
9.1. See “General Rules for All ARRL Contests” and “General Rules for ARRL Contests on Bands Below 30 MHz (HF)” available at www.arrl.org/contests or from the ARRL Contest Branch.
9.2. All contest queries should be directed to contests@arrl.org or by telephone to 860-594-0232. All contest rules and entry forms may be downloaded from the Contest Branch Web Page at: www.arrl.org/contests.

Participation Pins
The ARRL is again pleased to continue its PINS (Participation In November Sweepstakes) program for 2006. Anyone who completes 100 contacts on CW or Phone during Sweepstakes is eligible to purchase one of these attractive Participation Pins. Pins are based on claimed scores. Each pin includes the year and mode and have become a popular tradition in the November Sweepstakes event. Pins cost $6, including postage and handling and will be shipped after all entries have been processed and logs verified.
To order your pins, attach a note to the front of your summary sheet indicating the number of pins ordered along with your check. If you enter electronically, send a copy of your summary sheet with a note and your check attached to Sweepstakes PINS, ARRL Contest Branch, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.

Clean Sweep Mugs
Commemorate working your “clean sweep” by purchasing your 2006 November Sweepstakes mug. To earn your mug, work all 80 ARRL/RAC sections during the CW or Phone November Sweepstakes. Mug awards are based on claimed scores. The price for the keepsake mug is $12 each, (including postage and handling.) If you submit electronically, send a paper copy of the first page of your Cabrillo file and indicate how many mugs you are ordering along with your check. If you log by paper, attach a note to the top of your summary sheet indicating how many mugs you are ordering and your check. All orders should be sent to Clean Sweep Mugs, ARRL Contest Branch, 225 Main Street. Newington, CT 06111. Your mug will be shipped after all entries and mug orders have been processed and verified. Supplies are limited. We only guarantee filling orders received by the Phone Submission deadline of December 20, 2006.

My goal is to make 100 CW contacts and earn the Particpation Pin. Maybe I’ll go for the mug during the Phone event later this month.