After watching Frontline’s: Return of the Taliban last night, I jumped onto 80M CW novice sub-band to try and scare up a QSO.
I called CQ for a few minutes and received a reply from Bill, KB2MBC, from Auburn, NY. If I remember correctly (and as the log indicates) I had a short QSO with Bill last Saturday in the evening. This time the QSO lasted for about 30 minutes. Bill gave me a 559 and I gave him a 599, although I was trying to actually give him a 589. Had some fading towards the end of the QSO, but I had solid copy on everything Bill was sending. He had a nice, slow fist (maybe a little faster than 5wpm)… I think he was using a straight key. We exchanged information on rigs and antennas as well as a WX report. For some reason, I am having a hard time sending the number “2” and the prosign “BT”. For the number “2”, I end up sending 3 dits, instead of 2 and for “BT” I end up sending 2 dits instead of 3 in between the dahs. I need to do some practice sending.