— CW/PSK31, sponsored by New Jersey QRP Club from 0000Z-0400Z Sep 25. Frequencies: QRP CW and PSK31 frequencies on 80-10 meters. CW and PSK31 are considered separate bands. Exchange: RST + S/P/C + output power. QSO points: commercial equipment — 2 pts, homebrew xmtr or rcvr — 3 pts, homebrew xmtr and rcvr or xcvr — 4 pts. Kits okay as homebrew. Power multiplier: 0>250 mW = ×15, 250 mW>1 W = ×10, 1-5 W = ×7, >5 W = ×1. Score: QSO points × S/P/C (counted once per band) × power multiplier. For more information: www.njqrp.org. Logs due 30 days from the contest to n2cq@arrl.net (text format, please) or Ken Newman, N2CQ, 81 Holly Dr, Woodbury, NJ 08096.