Loose Connection

I recently failed to renew my subscription to Popular Communications…. just seemed like I had too much to read and the broad coverage of POPCOMM wasn’t focused for my needs. But what I miss reading is the column near the very back of the magazine by Bill Price, N3AVY. The rambling musings are always amusing. But is it worth renewing my subscription? If I could find another column or two that I found consistently worthwhile, I’d renew.

Boy Scouts and Amateur Radio

There’s been a lot of chatter lately about Scouts and ham radio. It sounds like there are a handfull of summer camps that have amateur radio stations that are active. I have been meaning to register with the local Boy Scouts of America council as a Radio Merit Badge councelor… but have not done so yet. Scouting is a great program and if you can expose the young Scouts to amateur radio early on, there might be some success in recruiting future hams.

Check out a new 99 Hobbies interview with Gary Wilson, K2GW. Gary talks about how amateur radio can enrich the Scouting expierence: http://www.archive.org/download/99HobbiesScouting/99Hk2gwScouts.mp3

Read a recent story from the ARRL website on Ham Radio Scout Camp Calling Protocol: http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2006/07/06/102/?nc=1

Also here on QRZ.com: http://www.qrz.com/ib-bin/ikonboard.cgi?s=d43ad1a064622c64adcd3db80b8cb0e4;act=ST;f=3;t=124409