This weekend with AD7MI

I looked for three special event stations this morning and didn’t find any of them! There was the Anniversary of Moon Landing put on by the Reservoir Amateur Radio Association, Wapakoneta, OH, the Colonial Williamsburg/Historical Triangle by the Williamsburg Area Amateur Radio Club, and the 200th anniversary of Zebulon Pike’s Expedition by the Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association (PPRAA). Didn’t hear a peep for any of the three. But – while searching for the above I was able to work Bermuda (a new country!) and also the W1AA out at the lighthouse on Clark’s Point, MA.

I’ve been catching up with my QSLing. I was able to get about 40 cards out the door this morning and have another 40 ready to go.

Cleaned up the workbench in the garage. Set up the trickle charger with my big ol’ marine battery. It’s a Black & Decker – I’ve already gone through one that died on me. I hope this one continues to work.

Had a nasty storm pass through very quickly. Enough to get me wet while BBQing dinner. The local SkyWarn net was up. Thunder, lighting, and about 0.06 inches of rain in about 5 minutes. Also trying to work AA1BU who was on 20M from the Virgin Islands. I think he had his antenna pointed towards Europe, had no luck trying to work him.

I need to bang out a few more QSL cards. Sure would like to finish up WAS and DXCC. One contact at a time I guess.