A description of the 40M WAS CW net and some operator recommendations…..

We have checkins of all skill levels and CW abilities, and everyone is always happy to have new stations join in with us. (We think) we are a friendly bunch, and strive to make every effort to help both the newbies and the regulars have fun.

When answering a station that has called you, it’s a general procedure to ID both callsigns first. Then, acknowledge receipt of his report to you with something like “tnx for the 579 579” or “QSL the 579 579″. (It helps NCS if you send the RST twice so he knows what report you think you got). Then, send a report back to the station who called you. Again, it helps to send his RST a couple of times, too. If he’s real weak to you, then maybe send it three of four times. That will save time in the long run if copy is tuff. We don’t normally chit chat much during the net, but pleasantries ( 73 or tnx for the call, etc) are certainly OK. When NCS is satisfied both stations have callsigns correct and reports rec’d on both sides, he will CFM (confirm) the contact as a good one and it becomes official. NCS then moves on to the next station on the list.

There is something on the club web page called ” CW Nets 101″, and maybe that will answer in more detail the questions about net protocol that you raised. Plus, listen to a few of the others, and you’ll pick it up right away. No one gets “huffy” here, so even if anyone does make a boo boo or two, nobody gets excited. There’s a list of CW net “Q” signals on the web page, too.

After your contact with W4BUR, I was trying to get you to repeat the report he sent you. He had sent you a 579, but at first you told me 599 but then changed it to 589. Conditions between you and I were pretty good, so I was fairly certain of the report you said you got. Joe did get the 579 you sent him. As NCS, I can only confirm the contact when I’m sure both stations got their reports correct. Then, all were disappointed when you couldn’t be raised after that contact. I was hoping I hadn’t offended you if you didn’t understand why I had to come back and ask you again. Anyhow, it’s just another net past with many more ahead !! Conditions have really worsened over the last few months, but I’m hoping for improvements soon.

We would really like to have you join us on a regular basis. We have many nets on other bands and modes, too. If you’re going to become a regular, I would suggest sending SASE’s to the free buros. Or, many use the postal plan WM9H provides. The Century Club buros are really fast and efficient, and your cards come fast. Again, info on the web page.

So, let me know if I can help you with anything. I’ll recognize your call next time. OH…The reason I had to keep asking for your callsign is that two other stations kept sending on top of you when you came back everytime I asked for your call. But, we got thru that, too.

Thanks again for checking in, and I hope you will be back.

73, Tom AA1NZ

Using AT-180 and IC-706 on 17M

A response to a question I asked about using my AT-180 along with my IC-706MKIIG on 17M….

The biggest problem I found with the AT-180 is it has to have a good, very good ground. If it doesn’t you will find that some of the bands can’t be tuned and it will also narrow the usable band width on each band. I’ve experienced this first hand and to solve it just get an eight foot piece of 1/2 copper pipe the ridged type and hammer it into the ground as close as you can to your radios, like right outside a window near the radios. Run a good # 8 wire down to it and get a bronze ground anchor that will go over the 1/2 pipe. Tin the end of wire and clamp it to the pipe. One other thing clean the pipe with some emery cloth or sand paper before you put the clamp on. And you will have to go outside and clean this thing several times a during the year. I had a similar problem with one of my full wave loops. It would tune flat match but when I went to talk during a QSO it would kick out the tuner into by-pass. Turned out I had to make a better grounding system and I had to move the hook up point on the loop. It was too close to a corner and the ground wasn’t very good at all. Also make sure you run your grounds run separately one from each radio, tuner and even antenna switches. I purchased a ground buss bar out of an old electric service panel and bolted it onto a larger piece of 1/4 inch steel plate which I then sent a #8 wire out to my 1/2 inch copper pipe. It made the radio a lot quieter and my swr cam right now to flat. I don’t know for sure this will fix our problem, but a bad ground will drive you crazy and it will make your radio/tuner do stupid things as well.

I hope this will help you, let me know then I might be able to give you a little more of an idea where or what to look for.

Oh ya one other thing hook up a dummy load to the back of the tuner and see if it will tune it. If it will ten it’s ikely your antenna or feed line. If it won’t then you have a problem with the tuner it’s self.

73..de ve7agw
Al Winney


I queried an Alaskan ham about the best approach to get a QSO with the Last Frontier:

I’m usually on the OMISS Net daily at 1830 UTC Monday through Saturday. You might be interested in the OMISS gang. It’s a worked all states net. Freq is 14.290 Mhz for the 20 meter net. Check out their web site at OMISS.net. Membership is $7.00 for a lifetime and the QSL bureau is free and QUICK!! I sometimes get on the 17 and 40 meter nets also so look for me there.




“No counterpoise” antenna on the beach today

I took my 7.8m homebrew version of the “no counterpoise” antenna /p down to the beach at the King Alfred in Hove this afternoon.

Set up was easy – cable tied top to my fishing pole, twisted the pole 4 or 5 times to keep the wire close to the pole and cable tied it in 3 other places. Banged my support stake into the sand/gravel, sat the pole over it, connected up the balun and tuner at the base and I was on air in under 5 minutes (bit of a breeze compared with setting up the Moxons like I usually use).

Anyway, quick flick through all the bands from 20 thru 6 proved it was easy to tune on them all with the Elecraft T1. First QSO was into Germany on 17m – sigs genuine 58 to 59. Second QSO into Germany on 20, and 3rd QSO into southern Switzerland on 20. These were also genuine 59 QSOs. Mode used – SSB, power used 2.5W. Also listened into some French CBers on 11m (strong 59 sigs on AM).

Band condx were pretty crap though with lots of QRM from very strong French BC station affecting 17m, and lots of QRN – I think there were lightning storms going on somewhere very distant.

Anyway, I’m extremely pleased with the way it worked and with how quick and easy it was to set up, and the no hassle band changing. Definitely a winner with me, and now a permanent part of my /p outfit.

72s for now
Pete M3KXZ G-QRP 11767
Brighton UK

German Online Callsign Lookup Available

Mitch Wolfson (DJ0QN) on June 16, 2006

Several years after the last printed German callbook, The German Bundesnetzagentur has finally released an online call lookup at:

http://ans.bundesnetzagentur.de/Amateurfunk/ (click on Rufzeichen)

During the time this data was unavailable, German hams were allowed to request to have their entries removed from the pubic domain if they had data protection issues.

The part that says “Standorte von automatisch arbeitenden Amateurfunkstellen” will soon include repeaters, links and other stations operating in automatic mode.


2006 W1AW/K6KPH Field Day Bulletin Schedule

Special Bulletin 2 ARLX002
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT June 19, 2006
To all radio amateurs

ARLX002 2006 W1AW/K6KPH Field Day Bulletin Schedule

2006 W1AW Field Day Bulletin Schedule

Day Mode Pacific Mountain Central Eastern

FRIDAY CW 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Teleprinter 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM
Phone 6:45 PM 7:45 PM 8:45 PM 9:45 PM
CW 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM
SATURDAY CW 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
Phone 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM
CW 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Teleprinter 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM
Phone 6:45 PM 7:45 PM 8:45 PM 9:45 PM
SUNDAY CW 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
Phone 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM
PSK31 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM

2006 K6KPH Field Day Bulletin Schedule

Day Mode Pacific Mountain Central Eastern

SATURDAY CW 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM
CW 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM
Teleprinter 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM 9:30 PM

SUNDAY CW 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM
Teleprinter 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM

W1AW will operate on the regularly published frequencies.

The special PSK31 bulletin will be transmitted on the regular W1AW teleprinter frequencies.

CW frequencies are 1.8175, 3.5815, 7.0475, 14.0475, 18.0975, 21.0675, 28.0675 and 147.555 MHz.

Teleprinter frequencies are 3.625, 7.095, 14.095, 18.1025, 21.095, 28.095 and 147.555 MHz (includes PSK31).

Phone frequencies are 1.855, 3.990, 7.290, 14.290, 18.160, 21.390, 28.590 and 147.555 MHz.

W1AW will transmit the bulletin in 45.45-baud Baudot RTTY, 100-baud AMTOR FEC Mode B, and 110-baud ASCII.

The Maritime Radio Historical Society’s K6KPH will transmit the “W1AW” Field Day 2006 message for the benefit of West Coast stations on 3.5815, 7.0475, 14.0475, 18.0975 and 21.0675 MHz, CW only. The K6KPH schedule is accurate as of June 19, 2006.

K6KPH will be transmitting Baudot RTTY and FEC AMTOR on 7.095 and 14.095 MHz during Teleprinter transmissions.

Any additional transmissions or changes in the schedule will be posted on the web at, http://www.arrl.org/contests/forms/06-fd-w1aw-sked.html . NNNN /EX

Antarctica’s KC4AAA to Be on the Air for Field Day

KC4AAA at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica, has announced plans to participate in ARRL Field Day 2006. The station’s Satellite Communications Technician Robert Reynolds, N0QFQ, will head up the effort. Operations from KC4AAA will commence at 1800 UTC on June 24 and continue through 2100 UTC on June 25.

Experience has shown that the best opportunity for North and South American stations to contact KC4AAA appears around 2300 UTC on the Eastern Seaboard, moving westward with time until the window closes around 0400 UTC. Given South Pole’s location right under the auroral oval, propagation can make South Pole intercontinental HF radio communications a challenge, so listen carefully!

The primary operating frequency will be on or about 14.243 MHz. KC4AAA operators will monitor and exploit other bands, but 20 meter SSB will be the primary operating mode.

South Pole will operate as a “home” station with supplied power (Class 1D). Reynolds plans to have a team of up to 10 operators staffing the station, most of whom are in a ham radio licensing class at the station. KC4AAA will be running 1 kW and will mainly use a pair of log-periodic antennas aimed toward the US.

KC4AAA plans to upload its Field Day log to Logbook of The World (LoTW) http://www.arrl.org/lotw. QSL cards will go out later in the year. For more information, contact Nick Powell, NH6ON, nick.powell@usap.gov

QRP Remote

An article by: Scott (VA3SLJ)

I’ve been interested in amateur radio since I was in grade school. I was about 12 when I passed the Novice code test in 1968 or 69, at World Radio Labs in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Flunked the Novice test, though, and gave it up. In 1975 I passed a 3rd class radiotelephone licence exam so I could be a college DJ. Those questions looked really familiar. I’ve always had a shortwave set though, and have always dreamed of being a Ham.

Fast forward 28 years. Three kids, 1 grandkid, and a whole lot of life behind me.

Now a Canadian resident/citizen, I became VA3SLJ in 2003, code test and HF privileges and all. I’ve always been easily amused, and will never cease to be amazed that with less power than a nightlight, one can communicate around the world (or more likely, a thousand miles or more).

At home I have a Kenwood 830s, but I love the idea of working with a battery, portable radio and portable antenna.

So I’m ready to try remote/portable: October 2005, on vacation in Kansas, at the in-laws. I brought along an MFJ 9020, SWR meter, about 100′ of coax, portable 12v battery pack (the kind used for jump-starting cars), a hamstick, mirror mount, 2′ aluminium rod, and four radials cut for 20 meters. All I had to do was push the rod into the ground, fasten the mirror mount to it, connect the hamstick and the radials to the mirror mount (I had a predrilled a hole for this and connected all four radials to a common bolt), and run the coax. I did not need a tuner, because the hamstick can be tuned to 1:1 VSR across the bandspread of the 9020.

It all worked! I am a slow-coder, but was able to have a good QSO with a fellow in Long Island, New York, from rural Washington County, Kansas. Five watts—wow!

This did not count in my book as a QRP remote, however, because I was indoors, and just a little too comfy. Also, I didn’t really have time the rest of the week to make contacts. It didn’t help having nephews around (“Whazzat?? Whad’they say? Can you pick up police with that?) I’m happy to try to answer questions, but remember: “slow coder.” I need my concentration time. Other family duties croweded out radio time. From a non-ham point of view, being hunched over a radio listening to “static and beeps” does seem a little anti-social.

So I wait for the next chance. At home, I do little QRP, and just try to make contacts on my Kenwood. In 2003 my first QSO’s were all CW, because I didn’t have a mike. The solid contacts of the Kenwood, with filters, make for good code practise.

Next chance—back in Council Bluffs, at my father’s place. It is a balmy day in late February, and I’m on his back deck. I’m using the same radio, but brought the “No Counterpoise” antenna made of heavy twinlead. It requires a tuner, so I packed one and for power used a filtered wall wart. Because I was there to visit my father and not for a DXpedition, I didn’t have lots of time, but did make a great QRP contact in North Carolina! The thrill is still there. That antenna, by the way, is fantastic. It’s sold on Ebay most of the time.

This was still not a remote in my thinking. It was still indoors, and I was using AC! I’m really beginning to enjoy the idea of doing a remote QRP operation, but am having a tough time pulling it off. I’m beginning to notice a pattern: the best 20 meter openings occur at really bad times when you are supposed to be visiting people when on holidays. I need a time and place where I can have privacy to operate guilt-free.

June 1st, 2006, Stratford, Ontario. While my wife and daughter attend the play “Oliver,” I set up to operate in the park near the theatre. Stratford, Ontario, is famous for its Shakespeare festival, and is a beautiful city about 150 KM from Toronto. The park is full of old trees, with low branches just asking for an antenna deployment. I had a great view of the Thames, and the sky was almost cloudless.

So, after unloading my trusty 9020 and a Heathkit HW-8, I look for a good place for my hamstick antenna. I mentioned before that the Hamstick antenna does not need a tuner; true, but it does require coax to the radio—coax I left coiled up at the shack. So out comes my “no counterpoise” antenna, and I set it up at about 10′ off the ground. QSO with N2WN in Florida! Now I’m happy, and have more time to make contacts. But now I am beset by the worst QRM ever, and I’m not talking about the guy on SSB on the QRP calling frequency counting out numbers (if you were doing this at 00:15 Z on 2 June 2006, you should know better). No, the QRM I’m talking about is when the “M” stands for mosquito! Besides my coax, forgetting the bug spray was my worst mistake. I was only a hundred meters or so from the river, but thought that since it was running water I’d be safe. I had to beat a hasty retreat. Too bad, because I had the time, a good band, and coffee!

But I was “remote” with portable power, lawn chair, coffee, and my 7 month old Labradoodle keeping the van safe. I just can’t handle all that QRM: -.-. slaa slaa slap slaa just doesn’t do it.

Scott Jacobsen


What’s been going on with AD7MI?

It’s been a busy summer so far.

– Memorial Day: I really enjoyed the special event station operation – W4M. I operated from Fort Monroe on Saturday and Sunday from a WWII coastal artillery battery overlooking the Chesapeake, wonderful weather and some great contacts. I setup a G5RV for the antenna and used a portable generator for power.

– The Smithsonian, NN3SI: During my trip to Washington DC, I had the opportunity to be a guest operator at the Smithsonian’s own amateur radio station, located at the Museum of American History.

– Lighthouse Activations: Enjoyed a relaxing few days down in the Outer Banks, NC and was able to activate the Bodie Island Lighthouse (USA-067) and the Currituck Beach Lighthouse (USA-212). Link here to the Outer Banks Repeater Association: http://obra.aginet.com/

From : W2EHD
To : ad7mi
Subject : Re: 442.850

Scott – It was a pleasure to meet you – if only on the air.
Re: the the UHF side of the mobile radio. Might consider selecting medium or low power when running mobile – especially when the repeater of choice is not far away.

I am sending along a URL for a tape measure beam. Originally, I think the author meant to use it in DFing – Direction-finding – competitions – but despite the fact that it’s rather ugly and makes lots of noise when the wind blows the elements – it seems the ideal solution for accessing a repeater from a remote (vacation) location.
I bought an el cheapo grande 25 ft. tape measure a few years ago, and 8 bucks worth of the PVC tubing he recommends.
There are several of these antennae in my workshop. One thing I did was to cast a couple of concrete bases – using galvanized pails that I bought at ACE.
One 60-odd bag of Sak-Crete will let you make a couple of bases. Glue some scrap carpeting to the bottom and you’ve got built-on floor protection.

As presently described, the tape measure antenna is only good on 2 meters. The author mentions that it may well be possible to change the element dimensions and spacing to put it into the UHF portion of the spectrum. I may try one out on 70 cm, with a watt meter in the line, just for grins.
Keep in touch.
If you wish, I will add your address to the OBRA email list, which will keep you informed about major doings around here. You would not get a lot of mail from OBRA, believe me.

Next project: I’m working on a portable HF/VHF/UHF system. Intent is to build a complete setup (rig, power supply, tuner, SWR meter, NOMIC RigBlaster, etc.) into an easily transportable box.