Amateur Radio – a hobby where people talk about their hobby using their hobby.
The ARLHS Presents Its Annual
To promote public awareness of ham radio and lighthouses; to contribute to the recognition that lighthouses, lightships, and their keepers deserve; to foster camaraderie within the ham fraternity; and to provide fellowship amongst the members of the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
Dates & Times:
0001 hrs UTC on April 15, 2006, through 2359 hrs UTC on April 23, 2006.
Suggested Modes / Calling
Any and all modes
: SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK, FM, SSTV, etc.
Suggested SSB freqs: 1950-1990, 3950-3990, 7250-7290,
14.250-14.290, 21.350-21.390, 28.350-28.390 (Calling on the centered
0.70 kHz on each band — Example: 14.270.)
Suggested CW center freqs: 1830, 3530, 7030, 14.030, 21.030,
28.030 Note that these are center calling frequencies. Work 20 kHz
each side of center.
To alleviate QRM, spread out and work SSB from 50 kHz to 90 kHz and on
CW work from 10 kHz to 50 kHz (i.e., +/- 20 kHz of center.)
Each contact (member or nonmember) = 1 pt.
Add 2 points more if contact is an ARLHS member
Add 3 points more if contact is at a lighthouse or lightship
BONUS for activating a light: As an incentive for participants to activate a light beacon, we are instituting a multiplier. If you activate a lighthouse or lightship under the rules of the ARLHS, you qualify for an additional 2x multiplier of your total score (as determined above). If for example your base score is 600 points and these were all accumulated by your operation at one of the recognized ARLHS lights (see the ARLHS World List), multiply your 600 points x 2 = 1200 points final score. This will be indicated on the final scoring cover sheet, which MUST be attached for log to qualify — see section below under “Log Submissions.”
You work ARLHS member #155 who is at lighthouse ARLHS USA-701.
Your score for this contact is 1 pt for the contact, plus 2 points
for working a member, plus 3 points for working a lighthouse.