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I was first licensed in December 1997. I am enjoying amateur radio more than I thought I would. I mainly worked as a mobile station (parked) due to severe power line noise at my home QTH. This changed in August 2001 when the electric utility finally resolved its problem.

My interests include HF, CW, RTTY and PSK31. I am also involved with QRP radio opertions and kit building. I am also a member of the Society of Midwest Contesters.

Check out my website for various pieces of information about amateur radio in the Chicago area. There is also information about building a portable mast and an inexpenseive QSL logging and printing program that uses MS Word.

Please QSL to above address, and I am good in the buro and Logbook of the World!

73 and hope to CUA.

See my previous entry about this QSO.