…. more eQSLs

From QRZ.com:
I was originally licensed in February, 1985 as KA3LUW and had that call until about 1993 when I *finally* got my Extra class call, and I changed it to WY3X. In about 1995 I gave up on ham radio for several reasons. Last fall my dad (N3FWI) said he hadn’t used his Kenwood TS-450S in several years and was just taking up room in his RV. He asked if I would get it off his hands. I decided to give ham radio a try once again. I ran a skywave loop antenna in the yard and rediscovered ham radio. Although I never seriously thought about getting a vanity call, when I saw this one available I thought it would be perfect for CW.

My main interests are PSK, RTTY and occasionally CW. During the summer months I gave the hobby a break and now this winter I have a G5RV (off-center fed) into the neighbors yard. This antenna outperforms any other antenna I ever used.

I look forward to hearing from some old ham friends. Please e-mail me at the callsign listed on this QRZ.COM site.

73 and God Bless.

Had a nice QSO with John, he’s a DA civilian in Alabama.