Victory! …. but just barely

I passed my 5 words per minute Morse code exam!

I’ve been working on and off on learning Morse code for about the last four months. Generally, it only takes three weeks of consistent study to pass the test. I’m a slow learner and wasn’t very consistent until about two months ago. I primarily used Ham University to learn the letters and numbers. But the key for getting ready for the actual test was AA9PW Morse Code Practice. This site provides the ability to download sample tests (very similar to the real tests). I thought I was ready once I finished learning all the letters and numbers, but AA9PW puts it all together.

Despite all my prep, I barely passed the exam. There are two ways to pass the exam: (1) answer 7 out of 10 questions based on the text you copy during a 5 minute Morse code transmission or (2) copy a minimum of 25 characters in a row correctly. During practice tests, I was good at answering the questions. But when it came to test day it just wasn’t happening. I missed the first call sign and one of the names of the operators. Also the model number of the radio. When I turned in the 10-question portion, I knew I had only maybe 6 correct answers. But it ends up in the middle of the QSO I was able to copy 25 characters in a row. But I think I just got 25…. it was pretty tight. One of the examiners had to recount twice.

However, I still passed. That, along with me passing the Element 3 (General Class Theory) back in June, now means I hold a General Class license….. which really means that I have HF privileges.

2 thoughts on “Victory! …. but just barely”

  1. Just wanted to say Bravo Zulu to you on passing your Morse Code Exam! Now on to Extra! I was reading your journal and am quite impressed by your enthusiasm and dedication to proper operation. Your definitly on your way to being Extra Class material! Heard you on the 97 net tonight. 73 de AI4ME

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