JOTA is an annual event in which about 500,000 Scouts and Guides all over the world make contact with each other by means of amateur radio. It is a real Jamboree during which Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared, thus contributing to the world brotherhood of Scouting The JOTA is a world-wide event. Units may operate for 48 hours or any part thereof, from Saturday 00.00 h until Sunday 24.00 h local time. It is for members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), and also for members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
World Scout Frequencies:
SSB (phone)
CW (morse)
80 m
3.740 & 3.940 MHz
3.590 MHz
40 m
7.090 MHz
7.030 MHz
20 m
14.290 MHz
14.070 MHz
17 m
18.140 MHz
18.080 MHz
15 m
21.360 MHz
21.140 MHz
12 m
24.960 MHz
24.910 MHz
10 m
28.390 MHz
28.190 MHz

Also on EchoLink: HB9S (World Scout Bureau)
The amateur radio station of the World Scout Bureau in Geneva, HB9S, will transmit directly from the office building for the 48th JOTA. Both HF radio and Echolink will be used. Your operators this year are:
Jochen Sulovsky, DK8ZM; Ernst Tomaschek, OE1EOA; Yves Margot, HB9AOF and Richard Middelkoop, PA3BAR.
While browsing the website I saw that there are weekly and monthly scouting nets that take place worldwide:
Country | day | time | frequency | netcontrol |
Denmark | Saturday | 13.00 GMT | 3.740 MHz | |
European Scout Net | Saturday | 09.30 GMT | 14.290 MHz | PA3BAR |
Japan | 3rd Saturday of month | 23.00 local | 21.360 MHz | JA1YSS |
Norway | Saturday | 15.30 local | 3.740 MHz | |
Sweden | Saturday, even weeks | 15.00 local | 3.740 MHz | |
Sudan | Sunday | 12.00 GMT | 21.360 MHz | ST2M |
United Kingdom | Saturday | 09.00 local | 3.740 MHz | G3BHK |
United States | Sunday | 20.30 GMT | 14.290 MHz | K2BSA |
World Scout Net*) | 1st Saturday of month | 22.00 GMT | Echolink 131124 | PA3BAR |
*) connect to node 106440 or 131124.