I changed my UNPROTO to WIDE3-3,WIDE2-2 and met with some success. The following came off of www.findu.com:
Blue dots above represent a plot from each packet that made it to N4EVA-11.
What I did for this test was to connect the GPS to the D7A and drove out to Newport News and back. While going up and down I-64, I kept getting good packets being digipeated from N4EVA-11. But once I leave I-64, the signal from the D7A (with just a rubber duck, no external antenna) no longer hits N4EVA-11.
Unless I set up my own digipeater, I have to be able to get my packet to N4EVA-11. I believe the key piece of being able to do this while bicycle mobile is to install a decent antenna. I’m going to look for something suitable at the Virginia Beach Hamfest this weekend.